
Pays/Région:  RS
Domaine:  Etudes/Ingénierie

Belgrade, RS

Type de contrat:  CDI
Expérience:  05-10 ans

SYSTRA est un groupe international d’ingénierie et de conseil dans le domaine de la mobilité.

Signature de référence pour les solutions de transport, SYSTRA est l’un des premiers groupes mondiaux d’ingénierie et de conseil spécialisés dans les transports publics et la mobilité durable. Fort de plus de 11,000 collaborateurs, SYSTRA se donne pour mission de concevoir des solutions de transport sûres et durables, afin de rapprocher les populations, de développer l’insertion sociale et de faciliter l’accès des personnes à l’emploi, à l’éducation et aux loisirs, partout dans le monde. 

Depuis 65 ans, le Groupe est engagé aux côtés des villes et des territoires pour contribuer à leur développement en créant, améliorant et modernisant leurs infrastructures et systèmes de transport, tout au long du cycle de vie de leurs projets. Intervenant très en amont de la conception, jusqu’aux phases de test, de déploiement et de maintenance, SYSTRA dispense l’ensemble de ses services dans plus de 80 pays dans le monde et réalise 74 % de son chiffre d'affaires à l'international. Grâce à ses nouveaux services, SYSTRA accompagne ses clients et partenaires dans leur transition digitale, écologique et énergétique, afin d’inventer les mobilités de demain. 

La revue de référence Engineering News-Record (ENR) classe SYSTRA au 3e rang des entreprises internationales d’ingénierie spécialisées dans le « Mass Transit and Rail », au 7e rang des entreprises internationales d’ingénierie spécialisées dans les Ponts, et parmi les 25 plus importants groupes d’ingénierie au monde.




The Architect reports directly to the Project Director with their key responsibilities as follows:

  • a) Help in the overseeing of the overall architectural vision and strategy for the metro project, including station designs and urban integration.
  • b) Oversee the production of high-quality architectural designs, drawings, and specifications that meet the project's objectives and requirements.
  • c) Collaborate with other project leaders, including engineers, contractors, and city planners, to ensure seamless integration of architectural design and engineering requirements.
  • d) Oversee the development of construction documents, budgets, and schedules, and to ensure that the project is delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.
  • e) Work closely with Consultant and Contractors with regards to Architectural finishes and interfaces with their respective equipment ensuring that the equipment can be easily maintained and is aesthetically pleasing.
  • f) Oversee the preparation of design/drawings along with specifications covering all aspects of station design such as multi modal integration, spatial modelling, overcrowding controls, information signage, multi modal exchange, traffic movement, parking facilities, entry exit and evacuation facilities, public amenities, etc.
  • g) Oversee and coordinate the preparation, review, and approval of the station footprint drawings with regards to site conditions, land availability, building offsets, structures, and property gates. Ensuring that the lifts, stairs, escalators, columns etc have been designed and subsequently installed in accordance with the Local Building codes, NFPA, and/or any other relevant standard applicable.
  • h) Ensure compliance with applicable codes, regulations, and safety standards.
  • i) Oversee the design layout of the stations / depots in conjunction with inputs from all sub-groups and finalise the requirement of equipment room, platform, operation services, and ticketing systems.
  • j) Oversee the preparation of requirements of staircases, lifts and escalators including access for special disabled commuters.
  • k) Assist in the evaluation and review of construction plans (including blueprints and narrative descriptions), indicating expected duration, and estimated cost through completion, expected benefits and projected improvement in system performance for each alternative.
  • l) Assist in the consideration of Design to allow for future expansion throughout the network development process (modular design) to accommodate growth of the traffic and the fleet until the ultimate configuration is reached.
  • m) Assist in the adoption for the Facilities Design, the updated Functional and Technical Specifications and the findings of the requirement definition study.
  • n) Oversee the completing and reviewing of models and drawings through all design phases.
  • o) Oversee the developing and documenting of details to communicate design intent.
  • p) Review existing Stakeholders correspondence and designs prepared by the Client (BMV) and others, refining, and optimising these to determine the best design, as agreed by the Client (BMV).
  • q) Assist in the leading of the finalization of architectural designs & conceptual drawings for Metro Stations, Depot, and surrounding areas.
  • r) Assist & develop designs for the interfaces between the proposed facility (including access roads) and 3rd party infrastructure (roads and utilities) in sufficient detail to obtain approval in principle for the facility.
  • s) Assist in the update to the Client’s existing Design Criteria, prepare Facilities Design drawings and Reports.
  • t) Liaison with Statutory Bodies (Obtaining clearances and approvals from municipalities, Fire - Department and other local authorities).
  • u) Obtain approval from Client (BMV) and other Stakeholders to the layouts of the facilities and to their phased development.
  • v) Review and accept the Shop Drawings, material submittals and address design related issues.
  • w) Attend the Design & Construction & Coordination Meetings chaired by the Contractors.



  • a) A degree and professional qualifications in architecture including a local professional license.
  • b) A minimum of 8-10 years’ professional experience as an architect with at least 5 years of experience in a similar role on major infrastructure projects.
  • c) More than 8 years of demonstratable experience of being actively and continuously involved as an Architect on Metro Projects or LRT Projects that have included the design of Underground Stations.
  • d) Knowledge of design, Production, Construction Techniques and procedures, Building Codes and relevant Standards, Design of Metro stations, Sustainability principles, Landscaping & Green Buildings.
  • e) International Working experience leading multicultural teams.
  • f) Excellent analytical skills and knowledge of AutoCAD.
  • g) Serbian Speaker
  • h) Work experience of at least 5 years in the position of Architect with the License No. 300. (License for Technical Inspection).
  • i) Advanced knowledge of working in Office packages and other software packages (e.g. AutoCAD, etc.).


SYSTRA est une entreprise handi-accueillante.