Infrastructure Engineer (Railway Tracks and Roads)

Pays/Région:  RS
Domaine:  Etudes/Ingénierie

Belgrade, RS

Type de contrat:  CDI
Expérience:  05-10 ans

SYSTRA est un groupe international d’ingénierie et de conseil dans le domaine de la mobilité.

Signature de référence pour les solutions de transport, SYSTRA est l’un des premiers groupes mondiaux d’ingénierie et de conseil spécialisés dans les transports publics et la mobilité durable. Fort de plus de 11,000 collaborateurs, SYSTRA se donne pour mission de concevoir des solutions de transport sûres et durables, afin de rapprocher les populations, de développer l’insertion sociale et de faciliter l’accès des personnes à l’emploi, à l’éducation et aux loisirs, partout dans le monde. 

Depuis 65 ans, le Groupe est engagé aux côtés des villes et des territoires pour contribuer à leur développement en créant, améliorant et modernisant leurs infrastructures et systèmes de transport, tout au long du cycle de vie de leurs projets. Intervenant très en amont de la conception, jusqu’aux phases de test, de déploiement et de maintenance, SYSTRA dispense l’ensemble de ses services dans plus de 80 pays dans le monde et réalise 74 % de son chiffre d'affaires à l'international. Grâce à ses nouveaux services, SYSTRA accompagne ses clients et partenaires dans leur transition digitale, écologique et énergétique, afin d’inventer les mobilités de demain. 

La revue de référence Engineering News-Record (ENR) classe SYSTRA au 3e rang des entreprises internationales d’ingénierie spécialisées dans le « Mass Transit and Rail », au 7e rang des entreprises internationales d’ingénierie spécialisées dans les Ponts, et parmi les 25 plus importants groupes d’ingénierie au monde.




Main tasks and responsibilities, inter alia:

  • In the stage of development of technical documentation, together with the Specialist for the Monitoring of the Preparation and Inspection of Technical Documentation, provides design guidelines for the part of the technical documentation related to railway tracks and roads;
  • Controls the compliance of the performed works with the Project, and implements procedures related to the quality system related to the construction of civil engineering facilities and structures, railway tracks, railway track connections, switches and roads. Organizes and carries out the control tests of materials used and works performed, organizes and carries out the measurements of the performed quantities of works and is responsible for keeping the documentation on the performed works;
  • Conducts a detailed review of the Contractor's plans and programs and gives recommendations to the Client, who ultimately decides on these matters. Participates in the activities of the Contractor in the planning and preparation of the dynamic work schedule by providing advice, recommendations, references to specifications, etc. Gives an opinion to the Construction Manager on the Contractor's plans and programs Organizes the monitoring of the progress of works in accordance with the plans and programs.
  • Verifies that the installed equipment and materials have all the necessary attestations, certificates, as well as other documentation proving the quality and compliance with the relevant regulations, specifications and applicable standards;
  • Issues orders to the Contractor to correct defects. Ensures that the Contractor receives instructions, recommendations, approvals, etc. on time in order to avoid the delay of works and claims by the Contractor;
  • Continuously monitors the actual costs and quantities of all works performed by the Contractor;
  • Reviews and provides an opinion on the submitted requests of the Contractor. Performs a price analysis for upcoming and unforeseen works and makes recommendations to the Construction Manager who then prepares the final version of the recommendation and informs the Client who ultimately decides on these matters;
  • Is responsible for reporting on the progress of the execution of the Construction Contract in the part related to the construction of civil engineering facilities and structures. During the construction phase, prepares a part of the monthly and quarterly reports within the scope of his work and submits them to the Construction Manager. Provides a final report to the Construction Manager detailing all work completed on the construction of civil engineering facilities and structures, railway tracks, railway track connections, switches and roads.
  • Makes recommendations to the Contractor regarding measures to improve methods, equipment, materials, etc. For the needs of the Investor, prepares reports and reviews on the quality, quantities and values of works;
  • Conducts a detailed review of the changes to the design and measures proposed by the Contractor. Depending on the size and significance of these changes, the debatable issues must be forwarded to the Construction Manager and the Client for a final decision;
  • Prepares the documentation and participates in the process of testing and commissioning the installed equipment;
  • Conducts a detailed review of reports received from the Contractor;
  • Controls and approves the as-built designs prepared by the Contractor in the part related to the construction of civil engineering facilities and structures, railway tracks, railway track connections, switches and roads;
  • Participates in the work of the commission for the handover of finished works;
  • Performs other tasks and activities necessary for the successful implementation of the Project.



  • Work experience of at least 5 years in the position of expert supervision and/or responsible contractor with the License No. 315
  • Advanced knowledge of working in Office packages and other software packages (e.g. AutoCAD, etc.).


SYSTRA est une entreprise handi-accueillante.